Enduro Riding in Western USA

motorcycle at the back of a van in Colorado National Monument

Got a bike, will travel to ride single track trails.

Searching for Best Enduro Rides in the Western US

Van life has become very popular way of living on the road in recent years. Many people lug along bicycles, kayaks or whatever their preferred activity may require. For me, it's an enduro motorcycle. I spent last four years traveling around the western USA in search of the best trails to ride.

While looking for the best riding areas I get to visit towns and places I would otherwise never bother with. Many of those places and people I meet there end up being etched in my memory.

I used to consider enduro riding too extreme for me. What can an office rat gain from riding hard dirt trails other than an injury. Well, besides enduro riding being so much fun, it is also a great training for adventure riding in third world countries on heavy, fully loaded, bikes. I found myself in quite a few situations where I wished I had had better enduro skills, simply to get through a rocky river crossing, landslide-blocked road or deserted track covered with deep sand. I've encountered such challenges on roads in India, South America, Central Asia, etc.

Below are photos from some of the rides I did alone or with friends. Most areas are from the SW USA, but I traveled to the NW USA as well, where challenges and the scenery are quite different.

San Juan Mountains, Colorado

San Juan Mountains are hands-down, the most beautiful part of Colorado Rockies. Ouray, the adventure center of the area, claims to be the "Switzerland of USA." A lot of old mining roads that go to over 13,000 ft are jeeper dream come true. The same goes for adventure motorcycling. Most roads are easy enough for big adventure bikes. But some trails are best done on pure dirt bikes.

Besides the famous Alpine Loop (rough dirt roads between Ouray and Lake City crossing high passes), Imogene, Black Bear and Ophir passes challenge riders and award them with amazing vistas.

There used to be more single track trails, but the government is closing them down and soon, there will be hardly any left.

San Juan Mountains are also the place to visit if one is interested in Colorado's rich mining history. Silverton still looks like an old cowboy town from 100 years ago, together with a steam engine train running to Durango.

Motorcycle laying on a side of a steep hill

Calico single track trail in San Juan mountains of Colorado.

motorcycle among big rocks

Riding a boulder field on the east side of Stony pass.

motorcycle parked on a top of a pass

Calico trail offers amazing views of San Juan mountains.

sweeping view of an alpine pass and a motorcycle

High up in San Juan Mountains in late fall.

motorcycle and the rider on a dirt road above a lake

Lake at the top of Poughkeepsie gulch trail.

motorcycle and rider with a red mountain behind

Mineral deposits in San Juan mountains are obvious from vivid red and yellow colors.

motorcycle and rider with red-yellow mountain behind

On the way to Engineer pass, Alpine Loop

motorcycle parked in a canyon with pine trees and yellow aspens behind

Descending from Imogene pass down to Ouray.

motorcycle parked with baren peak behind

Yankee Basin in late fall.

motorcycle parked in front of a high alpine lake

Another high alpine lake outside Ouray.

motorcycle parked with baren peak behind

One of many dead-end roads in Yankee basin.

rider looking over a vaelley below into the distant peaks

Enjoying the view from an abandoned mine.

Taylor Park, Colorado

Taylor Park surrounding Taylor reservoir sits at over 9000ft and is one of the coldest places I've been to even in mid summer. Rough dirt roads, ATV trails and single tracks crisscross the area. Besides hikers, bikers and motorized users, hunters from all over the US flock to Taylor Park in the fall.

Besides abundance of challenging trails, the biggest attraction for me is dispersed camping opportunities. Every year sites get shut down and I can see it banned completely in not so distant future.

motorcycle and rider in a creek among big rocks

Riding up to Taylor pass.

motorcycle parked next to a lake

Lake near the Taylor pass.

a motorcycle on rocky mountains slope

Another challenging trail between Taylor Reservoir and Crested Butte.

a motorcycle on trail cutting through grassy ridge with mountains behind

High up in the mountains twoards Taylor Pass.

a motorcycle at a viewpoint overlooking valley and peaks in the distance

A view from Teocalli trail.

a motorcycle on a trail through aspens with yellow leaves

On a trail through aspens in the fall.

A short video of single track rides along and near Continental Divide Trail outside Sargents, Colorado.

Rabbit Valley, Colorado

Rabbit Valley offers amazing desert riding- Moab quality rides without all the crowds.

motorcycle wedged between rocks

Some challenging rocks to negotiate.

Rider enjoying views next to a parked motorcycle

Valley along Colorado river stretches below the trail.

motorcycle parked atop stacked rocks

Stacked rocks make climbing easier.

two riders posing next to a bike and steep hill climb

At badlands outside Grand Junction with another friend.

motorcycle riding on sand dunes

Sunset play on sand dunes in Northern Colorado.

Moab Area

Moab is the undisputed capital of jeeping and adventure riding as well as many other outdoor activities - mountain biking, hiking, rafting, etc.

Over time, more and more trails are being closed for motorized users, many even for bicycles. Many open ones require permits or fees or both. Despite all these problems and crowds, Moab area is an amazing place.

White Wash Sand Dunes, Utah

My friends and I rode some classic rides of the area - Ten Mile Wash, Dead Cow canyon, Cow Freckles and some nameless rides. It was a great fun, both riding and just sitting by the fire at night.

Next two photos are from Mike's drone. More of his videos and photos can be found on Mike's website. He did a great job capturing and editing video of our ride too. It can be found here.

three riders going through a sand wash

Ten Mile Wash was a sandy fun.

Riders going through a narrow canyon

Dead Cow Canyon.

motorcycles parked against setting sun

Perfect ending of a perfect day of riding.

three riders in front of a butte

Tombstone Butte, a prominent landmark in this area.

motorycle parked in a red canyon

Classic canyon riding.

two motorcycles parked in a canyon and a rider sittin in shade

Trying to find some shade for the lunch break.

motorycle and rider in front of red rock spires

Prominent spires along the seven mile ridge trail.

motorycle parked in a bleak desert

Enduro loop trail.

A of riding in Jeep Safari Area.

Sand Flats

Just outside town is Sand Flats area with scenic camping and several trails. That's where Slickrock trail is, one of the most famous mountain biking trails on which, shockingly, motorcycles are allowed. It criss-crosses Hell's Revenge jeep trail in several places. Both are super fun with some scenic view points along the way.

In addition to these two classics, Fins and Things and Porcupine Ridge trails are easy, scenic and less crowded.

motorcycle parked on slickrock

Jeep tire marks on Fins and Things trail.

motorcycle parked at the base of rocky steps

Apart from a few rocky sections, Things and Fins is an easy ride.

motorcycle parked high above a big river going through a canyon

Scenic view of Colorado river from Slickrock Trail.

motorcycle parked at the base of steep climb up a rock face

Hell's Gate, a bonus section on Hell's Revenge trail.

motorcycle parked on slick rock with snowy mountains behind

After a snow storm, La Sal mountains coated with fresh snow.

A video of riding Slickrock and Hell's Revenge trails.

Behind the Rocks

Dispersed camping is forbidden in most areas around Moab. One scenic exception is Behind the Rocks area. Not does it offer scenic dispersed camping but also some challenging enduro riding. In addition to the main trail, there are several other dead end trails leading to scenic views over Kane Creek and Hunter canyons.

motorcycle and van visible from a cave

A scenic campsites, my favorite in the area.

van parked in front of an arch

An arches right above a campsite.

motorcycle parked at the edge of a canyon

One of several view points high above Kane Creen.

person sitting next to a motorcycle at the edge of a canyon

Savoring the moment at a view point.

motorcycle parked with a canyon behind

Start of the descent into Pritchett Canyon.

motorcycle parked with rock spires behind

On a sandy hill on Behind the Rocks trail.

A video of what riding Behind the Rocks area is like.

White Rim Trail

White Rim Trail is another Moab classic. It used to be that no permits were required for day rides, but since the Covid, even day riders require one.

When I inquired at the visitor's center about the procedure to apply for a permit, he gave me a form and said "put your name on it." I didn't really plan on riding White Rim that day, but since getting the permit was so easy, why not? It will probably be much harder to get one in the future.

Even on a fully loaded KLR, the trail is doable in a day. On a small dirt bike, it's really a half-day ride. However, given the many scenic spots, taking photos can eat up quite a bit of time.

a view of the white rim and rock spires next to it from an arch

A view of the White Rim from Mesa arch at sunrise.

motorcycle parked on a dirt trail with rock spires behind

These spires can be seen from Mesa Arch in the previous photo.

a view of the white rim trail and surrounding canyons

A view of the White Rim Trail from Dead Horse State Park.

motorcycle parked on a dirt trail surrounded by steep rock walls

Descent down Schafer trail switchbacks towards White Rim Trail.

motorcycle parked at the edge of a canyon

Strange, mushroom-like rock formations dot the trail..

motorcycle parked at the edge of a canyon

At the edge of the white rim.

view of switchbacks climbing out of a canyon

Exit switchbacks on Mineral Bottom Road.

a view rock spires at sunset

West side of the white rim and rock spires near it.

a view of maze like canyon-edge after sunset

A view of the White Rim (and the trail) from Green River Overlook.

A video or White Rim Trail ride.

Bear's Ears NM

Being so close to Moab, this area is often overlooked. However, there are plenty of scenic and challenging roads to ride. In addition, there is an abundance of ancient ruins to explore.

motorcycle riders posign in front of rock walls

One of the side canyons off highway 95 in Utah.

motorcycle riders posing in a canyon

Dark wilderness has only one road in and out.

rider in a sand wash

Lavender Canyon - fun ride in deep sand.

rider going up rock steps

Elephant Hill trail.

three riders by ancient rock dwellings

Descending into the Comb wash, the Comb ridge can be seen on the horizon.

rider going up a narrow dirt road next to cliffs

Dugway ascends the comb ridge.

rider going up steep rock

Elephant Hill trail.

rider going up rock steps

Elephant Hill trail.

rider going up rocky trail

Canyonlands NP.

motorcycle parked with rock spire in the distance

Jacob's Chair OHV trail.

A short video of riding in Jacob's Chair area.

Hurricane, Utah

rider at clearing the edge at the of a steep climb

Twister single track trail to Torquerville falls.

Hurricane area near St. George, Utah, is famous for challenging desert rides. However, there are plenty of easier ATV roads to be enjoyed. We spent a week exploring the area.

friends at a table eating

Well-deserved steak dinner after an exhausting day of riding.

rider clibing out of a dry canyon wash

One of the side canyons off the main ATV trail.

riders next to motorcycles with wind blown sand around them

We got caught in a sandstorm while visiting nearby sand dunes.

rider clibing out of a canyon on a rough dirt track

We used this rough dirt track to access riding area from our camp at the edge of a mesa with sweeping views of the Arizona strip.

rider on sand dunes

We played on sand dunes just outside Hurricane.

rider clibing out of a  canyon

On the way to Torquerville falls.

rider going over a rock step

Just playing around in one of the canyons.

riding through a creek

The trail to Torquerville falls crosses the creek many times.

rider on his motorcyc le with a lake and mesas behind

Grand Bench mesa on the north side of Lake Powell - blissfully desolate.

Diamond Fork, Utah

I spent two days exploring singe track trails of Diamond Fork riding area north of US-6, half an hour from I-15. Great Western Trail passes through this area and sections of the trail can be ridden. There are many other connecting single track trails to be enjoyed.

motorcycle parked atop a ridge with trail continuing into the distance

Kirkman trail follows a ridge top for miles and offers great videws on both sides.

motorcycle stuck half-way across a log

Still working on my log-crossing skills.

motorcycle parked in bushes with moutains behind

Ridge-top riding at its best.

American Fork, Utah

I never heard of the Alpine Loop in Utah, but there is one, high up in the mountains outside Provo, Utah. The name says it all, it's an alpine paradise for hiking, horse riding and dirt motorcycle riding. There are more than 120 miles of trails for motorcycles. Incidentally, Great Western Trail passes through this area and sections of it are designated for motorcycles.

motorcycle parked atop a peak

Trail 157, a part of GWT offers amazing riding with superb views.

motorcycle parked atop a mountain pass

Sunset pass is the end of GWT as far as motorcycles are concerned.

motorcycle parked on a trail with towering mountains behind

Mountains are quire reminiscent of Canadian Rockies.

motorcycle parked in a green meadow with mountains behind

Everything is green in June.

collage of two photos with motorcycle before and after a steep swtichback

There are some insanely steep, tight and off-camber switchbacks.

Video of some rides in American Form area.

Richard's Hollow, Utah

This little known area doesn't feature as many miles of single track (at least not official ones), but the scenery more than makes up for it. While suffering, trying to cross one log, these two guys just flew over it, literally, and inspired me to open the throttle, only to end up falling over. What they did seemed so easy, yet so unattainable. They were supper kind and offered me help and after a short chat gave me maps for trails in Idaho. What a difference compared to swim-or-sink mentality of California, for example.

Another marked difference from riding in the SW is the need for chain saws. I met local riders who were carrying chain saws and clearing trails of fallen logs. Chain saw seems a necessary item on dirt bikes. In a motorcycle store in Boise, I saw two brands of chain saw mounts for motorcycles. I certainly wished I had had one a year earlier on my log-nightmare ride.

two riders on motorcycles with chain saws

A chain saw is a must for local riders. These guys actually maintain local trails.

motorcycle leaning against a steep rocky hill

Richard's Hollow trail has a few challenging spots that made me question my judgement.

Idaho - Single Track Paradise

a motorcycle parked amoung large rocks on a steep trail

Lookout mountain trail - steep, rocky and exhausting.

Idaho offers some amazing single track trails to ride. For some reason, I never really explored Idaho, on motorcycle or otherwise. After two weeks of traveling and riding around Idaho, I can't wait for the next opportunity to come back.

a motorcycle parked on a footbridge

A brand new bridge just for motorcycles. Most motorcycle trails are well-maintained.

a motorcycle parked on a switchback

Tight switchback with rocky steps and steep drop-offs got my heart pumping.

a selfie with otorcycle on a steep, rocky trail

Wondering what I'm getting myself into - Rough Creek Trail.

a motorcycle parked on rocky trail

French creek trail leads to the top of a mountain with great view of surrounding areas.

motorcycle parked on a rocky trail

Challenging trail outside Stanley, Idaho.

Baumgartner Trails, Idaho

van, motorcycle and hammock next to a river with red sky behind

My campsite at Baugartner.

I've heard many riders raving about Idaho as being one of the best dirt biking destinations in the country. Baumgartner area is among the best areas in Idaho, so it says a lot. Besides miles and miles of pure single track rides, some areas are open for off-trail riding, something I have not seen anywhere else in the USA.

A local rider publishes a set of maps with trail ratings, useful hints (like "downhill only" or "bring a chain saw"). I got a set of his maps from a kind rider I met earlier in Utah. But they can be ordered from the man himself - Bill Dart. Contact him at billdart@rocketmail.com for more info.

a person sitting next to a river and van in a pine forest

After little town of Featherwille, paved road ends and the paradise starts. There are numerous riverside campsites, one more beautiful than the other.

The main organized campground, Baumgartner campground, has a hot tub which makes it rather popular and making a reservation ahead of time is a good idea. There are plenty of sites designated for dispersed camping though, just as beautiful in my mind. I stayed both in the campground, to take advantage of the hot pool, and outside and I loved them both.

motorcycle parked ona trail with moutain ridge behind

Fun trail riding south of the campground. An ATV trail can be seen zig-zagging up the mountain behind to the fire lookout at the leftmost peak.

a motorcycle parked atop a pass

Near the top of the rocky trail to the fire outlook. The last 100 yards of the trail were covered in snow, unfortunately.

motorcycle parked high above mountains

From near the fire outlook, one can see trails below .

motorcycle parked next to a snow patch with sweeping vista behind

View to the east, towards Ketchum from near the fire outlook.

a motorcycle parked with clouds just above the peak next to it

Reaching for the clouds - on the way to the fire outlook.

The second day, I took a wrong turn, ended up on a double diamond trail and used all my mental and physical strength just to turn around and get back to the campground. I spent the rest of the day licking my wounds. To make things worse, my battery died and that meant the end of Baumgartner riding. Nevertheless, I spent next 3 days just enjoying my amazing river-side camp spot.

motorcycle laying down on a steep mountain side

I did not fall here. I am just trying to turn the bike around (without it going down the slope) and get back to the campground. This trail was tough and I had no business being on it.

Idaho City Trails, Idaho

van and motorycle parked in a forest with setting sun behind

My piece of paradise in the mountains above Idaho City.

Idaho is all about power sports and Idaho City in particular, being a host to an annual enduro race. I tried some of the trails marked for the race, but at a snail pace. My favorite trail was Hungarian Ridge though - long and scenic, with just the right level of difficulty for me.

motorcycle parked on a trail atop a ridge

One of the trails closer to the city with race-track markings.

motorcycle parked between a rock and a drop-off

Trail #168 was way above my skill level. I almost lost the bike on this tight squeeze.

motorcycle parked on a trail going along a mountain ridge

In Idaho, when they say "ridge trail," the trail really follows the ridge.

a kid riding motorized tricycle

Little wonder Idahoans are crazy about motorcycles - from a cradle straight onto a motorized tricycle.

Stanley Area Trails, Idaho

mountains glowing red color in early morning sun

Early morning sun casts warm glow on Sawtooth Mountains just outside Stanley.

Stanley is a tiny town at the foothills of Sawtooth mountains. Countless single track motorcycle trails are a magnet for dirt riders from all over the US. There are trails of all kinds of difficulty, but for me, the biggest difficulty is the condition of the trail. A fallen log can turn an easy trail into a nightmare. Luckily, trails around Stanley are kept in excellent condition.

motorcycle paked on a trail next to a gushing river

Motorcycle-dedicated trail next to a beautiful river, only in Idaho.

motorcycle paked high on a mountain with a sweeping vista behind

High above Lowman, Idaho.

van parked on a dirt road with jagged mountains behind

Heading to the boundary of Sawtooth wilderness.

green hot spring pools at the edge of a river

Idaho is well-known for countless hot springs.

motorcycle parked on a mountain with jagged mountain peaks behind

Sweeping views of the Sawtooth wilderness from WAPITI CREEK trail #160 .

motorcycle parked next to a lake

A beautiful start the Swamp Creek Trail ride.

motorcycle in front of rocky steps

Swamp Creek Trail near the pass is very dry and very rocky.

motorcycle on its side next to a steep ravine

Took me quite a few attempts to get over those rocky steps without losing bike down the ravine.

After the rocky steps, I crested and thought the hardest part was behind me. I couldn't have been more wrong. On the way down, I had to cross many fallen logs, bushwhack and then the trail entered a meadow. I was only a few miles away from the trailhead and road. Unfortunately, that beautiful meadow was a swamp. Grass got taller, trail petered out and I could hear wheels slushing through water. I followed the trail according to my map as much as I could. I crossed several creeks and then, just a 1000 ft from the trailhead, I entered one last creek at the deepest spot (hidden by tall grass) and the water went over the air box. Engine died, but somehow I could push the bike out of the creek. Unfortunately, engine would not start and I had to push the bike through 1/2 - 1 ft of water. Eventually, I pushed the bike out to solid ground. I've seen people getting bikes upright to drain the water from the pipe. Not knowing anything better to do, I lifted the front wheel and cranked engine in that position. To my delight, it started but as soon as I got bike into horizontal position, engine would die. After lifting front wheel up several times, running engine with the bike in upright position, water from the carb somehow burnt out and I could ride back to the van.

motorcycle stuck in muddy creek

Who would have thought that a trail named "Swamp creek" would go through a swamp.

selfie with a motorcycle in upright position

Trying to get water out of the engine after completely drowning bike on Swamp Creek Trail.

Pacific Northwest

Steep, tight switchbacks, roots and logs

Riding in the Pacific Northwest is quite different from that in the desert Southwest. Most rides feature steep, deeply rutted, narrow tracks, overgrown with vegetation and littered with super slick tree roots. Of course, there is a fair amount of mud as well. But the thing that got me was a trail strewn with logs - easily one of the hardest rides I've ever done.

motorcycle parked in a flower field with sweeping views of surrounding mountains

Firefox trail outside Tilamook, OR.

motorcycle parked on a small bridge going through a forest

Nicely maintained Blue Ridge trails outside Coos bay, OR.

motorcycle parked on a trail with big tree roots in front of it

Tree roots, extremely slick when wet, can be major obstacles on steep climbs.

motorcycle on a steep trail

Many trails feature very steep climbs, often with deep ruts.

motorcycle parked next to moss covered tree

Moss and fern are everywhere.

motorcycle parked on a trail with motorcycle part hanging off surrounding trees

Firefox trail embellished with motorcycle parts.

motorcycle parked on a trail next to moss covered trees

Often times, it's hard to see the trail from all the vegetation.

motorcycle parked on a trail going through a flower field

Flowers are in full bloom at the end of June.

motorcycle parked atop a tight hairpin turn

Many steep hairpin turns to be enjoyed.

motorcycle parked in a gully full of vegetation

I came across this single track system of trails on Mt Rainier by pure accident, but it turned out to offer excellent riding.

motorcycle parked at a hairpin turn

Surprise, exposed tree roots after a tight hairpin turn.

motorcycle parked in front of a broken bridge

I played it safe and walked the bike over this broken bridge.

motorcycle leaned against a steep hill side under a log

I thought it was tough getting bike under this log. Little did I know that a few days later, I would be stuck on a trail strewn with logs.

motorcycle stuck on a log

Logs often block trails in the NW.

Wenatchee National Forest, Washington

motorycle parked on a ridge with snowy peaks behind

Wenatchee NF is just easy of the Cascades National Park and snowy peaks of the North Cascades can be seen while riding trails in this area.

motorcycle parked in front of tree roots blocking the trail

Climbing steps formed by tree roots is one of the hallmarks of NW trails. Notice the radiator guard left behind by some riders.

motorcycle parked on a ridge with hills behind it at sunset

Sunset ride up Lilian Mt. trail at Mission Ridge ORV system near Wenatchee.

motorcycle on its side on a steep hill

Tronsen ridge trail - going down a steep rooted hill was a lot easier than going up.

motorcycle parked on a ridge

Mission Ridge trail.

motorcycle parked on a mountain top

Jolly Mt trail leads to the very top of the Jolly mountain. In the distance are snowy peaks of the Cascade mountains that I hiked with a friend a week earlier hiked a few days earlier.

The Log Hell - 8 Hours for 2 Miles

several fallen logs blocking motorcycle trail

I had to cross 46 logs on the otherwise easy Middle Fork of Teanaway river trail.

Cle Elum area motorcycle trails are challenging to ride and offer great views of the Cascade mountains. Now I could see the mountains that we hiked a week earlier along the Pacific Crest Trail from a different perspective.

After an enjoyable ride up the Jolly Mountain, I wanted to descend the Middle fork of Teanaway river (local riders told me it's an easy descent). In order to reach it, I had to ride Jolly Creek Trail - steep and exposed, but since I was going downhill, it didn't seem so bad.

motorcycle parked on a narrow trail on the side of a mountain

Beginning of the trouble - descent down Jolly Creek trail towards Middle Fork Trail.

Once I descended the steepest section, the real troubles begun - logs across the trail. Considering the steep and exposed climb back, I figured I could handle one or two logs. I'll get bike somehow over or under the logs. Besides, I saw fresh tire marks on the trail and over the logs. So how hard can it be?

Well, wery to extremely hard. What I failed to consider is that those guys who left marks on the logs were:

collage of three photos with a motorcycle behind, under and in front of a log

I started off with just sliding the bike under some logs.

collage of three photos with a motorcycle behind, on and in front of a log

Some logs were too close to the ground to slide bike under, so bike had to go over the log.

I slowly got sucked into the log trap. I thought it would be just one or two logs to cross. After I crossed 10-15 of them, it was already too late to go back (especially considering very steep and exposed section of the climb up).

motorcycle surrounded by logs

Bypassing some logs turned out to be actually harder than crossing them.

motorcycle parked on a trail blocked by logs

At this point, I started getting worried - four hours into the ordeal, low on water, no food and no end of logs in sight.

motorcycle laying sideways over a log

Launching bike over a log worked well for me, but landing was too ugly for the bike, so I stopped using this technique.

motorcycle sitting atop a log

How did the bike end up there? With a lot of sweat, tears and cursing.

So I pushed on and on. It took me 8 hours to go 2 miles (and cross 33 logs). At 5 PM, the battery died (too many starts and too few miles ridden) and I was officially stuck in the middle of nowhere. Bike was dead, I was exhausted and little worried about how I am gonna get out. I had to pause to consider my options.

It was another 5 miles to the end of the trail and a connecting dirt road, but then another 20+ miles around the mountain. Even though it was Saturday, I didn't see or hear any other riders on this trail. Could I get a ride from someone to get back to the car? What if I had to walk the remaining 20+ miles back, that would take more than an extra day of walking in MX boots.

Another option was to hike 10 miles back the way I rode in, but it called for a 2500 ft ascent. I chose the second option. Hiking up the steep 2500 ft pass in MX boots was not only hard but rather painful too. The descent in the dark was no fun either. When I finally got back to the car after 10 PM, my feet were covered in blisters and wounds and three of my toenails were purple.

The following day, Sunday, I did not even want to think about retrieving the bike. I needed at least a day of recovery as I could barely walk. I didn't care if someone rode along the trail, saw the bike and stole it (in a way, I secretly wished for it, so that I don't have to deal with getting the bike out). As it turns out, despite many riders riding that weekend, nobody passed by my abandoned motorcycle. I guess people knew that the trail I chose for being "easy" was a no-go.

On Monday, armed with a new battery, traction board and plenty of water and food, my friend and I hiked in 5 miles from the other end of the trail and managed to get the bike out. As it turns out, I had "only" 13 logs left to get out. Had my batter not ran out of juice, I could have probably avoided the awful hike in MX boots. But this mis-adventure makes for a better story.

While this turned out to be a valuable lesson in how to deal with crossing logs, the most important lesson I learned is "when I see a log across my trail, I must IMMEDIATELY turn back.

rider crossing a creek on a motorcycle

On the way out, there were many creek crossings, but only 13 logs.

It Can Get Worse - 9 Hour Walk at Night

This area has been recommended me enthusiastically by other riders. Riding is good when possible. But Wenatchee National Forest does not maintain even trailhead maps. In Mad River riding area, every trailhead has a map of trails. Mad River trail is clearly marked on all maps yet it hasn't been ridden in years. Washed out bridges, overgrown trails, sections swept down in landslides. It was a nightmare walking that "trail". Romaniacs champion wouldn't have been able to ride it. Nobody has even walked that trail in years, yet it's clearly marked as motorcycle trail. Just how much effort is it for the rangers to cross that trail off and mark it as non-existent?

A year earlier, I got stuck on a trail littered with fallen logs. One would think I'd learn from that experience and stay away from Wenatchee. No, I had to go there again and get stuck again. Except, this time, I had to walk 19 miles, bushwhack one mile of jungle-like terrain. I made it back to the car at 2 am thanks to abundance of creeks from which I fetched water to drink.

motorycle parked on a trail through a talus field

Riding is great on trails that are in normal conditions.

motorycle parked next to an alpine lake

Trails pass by many beautiful lakes.

two photos of a motorcycle atop a log

Log crossing - still a mystery to me.

motorcycle parked atop a mountain with fire lookout behind

Atop a ridge, after a long day of riding, ready to go back to the camp. But I was counting on Mad River Trail to get me back, which did not exist. It took me 9 hours to walk back after my battery died.

motorcycle in bushes off the trail in riverbed

This is the spot where my battery died (well, bike fell down the slope while I was trying to kick start it).

falling apart motorcycle boot

After the 19 mile hike back, my boots were falling apart.

canyon with river going through it

Two days later, I drove van 80 miles around to get within half a mile of the place where I left bike behind. The bike recovery was easy with a new, fully charged battery.

Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington

motorycle parked on a trail with a snowy mountain behind it

Mt Adams dominates the view in this area.

After I recovered the bike and regained courage to ride again, I ended up riding some of the nicest temperate rainforest trails - Gifford Pinchot NF.

motorycle parked on a trail through pine trees covered with moss

Riding through moss-covered forest.

motorycle parked in front of a waterfall

One of many beautiful falls that trails cross.

motorcycle parked on a bridge crossing a creek in a forest

Everything is so green.

My other adventure rides: