Traversing continents and cultures will inevitably lead to more or less of a culture shock. What is bizarre for a westerner may be completely normal for a person from a developing country and vice versa. But sometimes, 'weird' transcends cultural borders.
Most of the time, it is impossible to capture the moment or the scene, especially when riding, so most such experiences are just memories. Photos that follow are of those rare occasions when I did manage to capture the moment before it was gone.
Quintessential Varanasi - pilgrims and tourists oblivious to the dead body floating nearby. On the subsequent trip to Varanasi, I saw a corpse of a newborn baby floating by. Un-burnt body parts can also be seen floating down the river.
Whole family on a scooter is a common scene anywhere in SE Asia.
Somewhere on Sumatra.
Malacca rickshaws come in many forms and shapes, "Hello Kitty" is probably among most popular.
Motorcycle art in Seligman, Arizona.
More motorcycle art in Seligman.